Education Loan for Abroad Studies

Education Loan for Abroad Studies An education loan is an easy and convenient way to finance your internationaleducation . You don't need to dip into your family savings or get loan approval where you pledge your assets as collateral to fulfill your study abroad dream. You can take an education loan abroad to cover all your educational and living expenses and pay it off after you graduate and start working abroad. However, in spite of many technological and credit innovations in this field in the last few years, even today, getting loan for study abroad is quite a tough task in India. The application process is long and tedious. Foreign education loans are actually disbursed in parts, while the interest rates charged are confusing, not standardized and undemocratic. Why Does a Student Loan in India Take More Processing Time? By definition, secured education loans are provided by public sector banks on the basis of collateral security. To get education loan abroad in India from ...